Next-Gen FIA: Clients Looking for Increased Accumulation Potential?

Consider FlexShield 10 for your clients with accumulation goals

For clients seeking increased accumulation opportunities while managing exposure risk, FlexShield 10 offers an innovative index-linked performance strategy. As your client’s performance value grows with the FlexShield 10, they can choose to accept some potential risk to that performance value in exchange for increased caps or participation rates. 

All the while, their principal is protected because clients cannot risk more than the performance value gains in the performance strategy. And good news – this approach to accumulation is available with no fee. 

In addition to accumulation potential, FlexShield 10 offers other traditional American Equity annuity benefits, including: 

  • Principal protection
  • Tax-deferral on accumulation 
  • 10% annual penalty-free withdrawals from contract value
  • The backing of our world-class customer service