Reminder: Completing Paper Part A and Part B of MIS Applications

With the launch of paper applications for disability income insurance, you can now complete applications for Mutual Income Solutions in the following ways:

  • Full Paper Application
  • Paper Part A
  • e-Application

It’s important to remember the steps in the application process if your client chooses to complete the Paper Part A application option. Once our team receives the Paper Part A application, Mutual of Omaha will send Part B to the client for completion. Your client has two convenient ways to complete the Part B Electronic Application:

1.  Client completes Part B medical information online at their own convenience. Part B will be emailed to the applicant for completion via Secure Message Portal (SMP).

2. Client completes Part B medical information via a telephone interview. Client will need to call the Tele-App team at (800) 749-8652. Upon completion, the completed e-App is emailed to the applicant for signature via Secure Message Portal (SMP).

Once your client completes Part B electronically, signs and clicks ‘Submit’ the application will be sent to Mutual of Omaha.

You may monitor the status of applications on the Live Dashboard located on