Enhance Clients’ Existing Disability Coverage

Do your clients know if disability income insurance is part of their plan at work? Or if they have disability income insurance, do they understand their group coverage?

What clients should know:

  • Not all employers offer disability income insurance. Many workers assume they have disability income insurance through work, but really don’t and find out until it’s too late.
  • When employers pay for disability income insurance for their employees, the paid benefits are taxed as regular income, which further reduces the benefit amount.
  • Employer-paid benefits are often offered as an incentive to help retain employees. Your clients’ disability income insurance coverage may depend on their continued employment with the company.

Help your clients understand the disability income insurance benefits they receive from their employers, and if necessary, recommend additional coverage to supplement their employee benefits. Use our Enhance Clients’ Existing Disability Coverage sales idea flyer to learn more.