Upcoming Change to Agency Services Phone Menu

As part of our continuous effort to streamline and enhance customer service, North American is upgrading the Agency Services phone menu to include an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) component. This new feature goes live July 17, 2024.

This change aims to provide authorized callers with a more convenient way to validate producer information before reaching an Agency Services representative.

How it works
When you call into Agency Services, the IVR will prompt you to say or enter the following information:

  • Agent code
    • Ex: 12345 (do not include -M01)
    • Agent codes can be found in the agent portal on the North American website under the producer profile.
  • Last four digits of your Social Security Number
  • AND/OR your full date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY)

If you are calling on behalf of an agency or back office, full verification will still be required. Please provide your agency code and the last four digits of your agency’s Tax ID Number to the phone representative.

If you have questions, please contact Agency Services at 866-322-7068, option 1 with any questions.