Transamerica NEW Underwriting Digital Experience
Transamerica’s new digital underwriting experience and the iGO E-application on Trendsetter Super and LB along with FFIUL and FCIUL products is now available for all states (Except for CA, FL, GU, NY, SC and SD).
Some Enhancements:
- Reduction in time for policy issue on average 8-10 business days quicker than current process.
- Minimize back and forth.
- Auto Pre-Fil of PHI for the client.
- Reflexive questions.
- Currently 10% to 12% are going instant issue without underwriter review.
- When needed Transamerica will be ordering Vitals only, with this experience the full Paramed exams will no longer be needed.
IUL and Trendsetter
- Effective June 15, 2024, new applications started with Transamerica in iGO will use the new application.
- For CA, FL, NY, SD, and SC, we will continue to accept the electronic application forms U327 and U328 for IUL and APA 40 for Trendsetter.
Inflight Cases in iGO (cases locked in iGO and out for signature)
- Applications pending to be signed in iGO must be signed and submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. ET, on July 17, 2024. Cases submitted after this date must be on the digital application.