Builder Plus IUL 3 Pays MGA 145% on Target Premium

North American’s Builder Plus IUL® 3 indexed universal life (IUL) insurance has features both you and clients will love: strong death benefit protection, living benefits for no additional premium1, and the backing of a strong and stable company. With our top contract, there’s something in it for you too—a strong commission!

Builder Plus IUL® 3 pays MGA 145% on target premium.

Commission example
We crunched the numbers for you with a hypothetical target premium.

  • Example case: $10,000
  • Commissions paid: $14,500 (145% on $10k)
    • Agent compensation: $9,500
    • MGA override: $5,000

1 Hypothetical examples are not intended to predict future compensation. The use of alternate assumptions could produce significantly different results. Compensation shown is first year premium, up to target. Commission on future sales is subject to change.