LTC Awareness Month

November is Long-Term Care Awareness Month, and an excellent opportunity to reach out to clients about the importance of planning. 

Check out the below resources and tools that will help you have more client conversations!  

We take pride in delivering on our promises when your policyholders and families need it most.  The claims flyer provides an overview of our extensive claims experience.  It also outlines several of the most common conditions associated with claims we have paid for our policyholders.  

Check out the below video as Mutual of Omaha associates share letters they’ve received from policyholders sharing how long-term care insurance and our caring associates had a positive impact in their time of need.  

When it comes to planning for long-term care, today’s consumers have more choices than ever before.  While nontraditional funding options may work for some people, a traditional LTCi policy remains the best solution for many of your clients.  Check out this flyer that explains why traditional LTCi remains firmly rooted as a viable LTC planning solution.