The Opportunity You Might Be Overlooking
If you are working to grow your life insurance book, you don’t want to ignore roughly half of your potential clients. But, that’s exactly what you might be doing if you’re ignoring the impaired risk market. Ask yourself:
- Do you proactively quote life insurance for prospects with chronic conditions?
- Do you believe the impaired risk market is too complicated, time-consuming, or expensive?
- Have you been frustrated by underwriting denials?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, it’s time to take a new look at the impaired risk market. The CDC says that roughly 51% of American adults have at least one chronic condition, so it’s easy to see how specializing in impaired risk could open a world of opportunities for your clients and your business.
At Legal & General America, we’ve updated our underwriting standards, making coverage more accessible for clients with health challenges. Now, it’s easier to help provide coverage for clients who need it most.
Don’t miss your chance to grow your business and help more clients build brighter tomorrows.
Download the “Demystifying Impaired Risk” guide now.