New Annuity Applications Now Available
We have updated our Annuity applications, effective as of May 1, 2023.
The new applications apply to the following products:
*Form Number listings by state and product are linked her for your reference
You will find that we have made many improvements to aid you, your producers, and your clients, when using the new applications, including:
- We’ve incorporated consistent formatting in line with other annuity applications
- Additional beneficiary information has been added to the application to better assist with future claims handling, this includes a check box if it is identified as irrevocable
- The Payee section has been expanded to allow for an additional payee that is other than the owner or annuitant of the annuity contract
- And, we’ve added an additional certification in the Producer Statement section
- Additionally, we’ve updated our Deferred Income Protector for the state of CA only to now include Fraud language:
- Old Application – T101LNA15A
- New Application – T248LCA23A
With these new features and options now included in the above referenced annuity applications, you should begin using the new applications (effective 5/01/2023). We will allow a 30-day ‘grace period’ for this transition. After 5/30/2023, the old applications will no longer be accepted, and the new applications must be used when submitting business.