SecureCare III Rates Decrease in CT Effective 03/27/23
Effective Monday, March 27, 2023, rates for SecureCare™ III will be reduced by 25 percent across all case scenarios in Connecticut. SecureCare III is a long-term care (LTC) and nonparticipating whole life insurance policy.
Transition Rules:
- The new SecureCare III rates will be available in Connecticut on March 27, 2023.
- All pending applications that have an effective date on or after March 27, 2023 will automatically be eligible for and receive the new pricing. This will result in a face amount that is higher than originally illustrated.
- Policies that have already been issued, paid and/or are in-force are not eligible for the new rates.
- SecureCare III’s normal backdating rules and age limitations apply. To receive the new pricing, we cannot backdate prior to March 27, 2023.