Help Women Get the Life Insurance They Need

Did you know that, according to LIMRA, 40% of women are interested in life insurance?* And chances are they need it, given their integral role as breadwinners and caregivers. These motivated customers offer a tremendous opportunity to bring on new policyholders and increase sales to existing clients. You’ll be able to:

  • Help women feel more confident about their finances
  • Highlight new lower rates for Term Essential
  • Show the value of insurance in replacing either partner’s income
  • Pinpoint insurance gaps in two-partner households

Term Essential’s new rates are, on average, 9% lower. This affordable pricing gives women a powerful incentive to make sure their loved ones are protected.  

Download the quick start flyer: “Life Insurance Needs in the Women’s Market.”

Get timely insights to help you speak to women consumers and address their unique insurance and financial planning challenges. 

*Source: LIMRA, “Key Challenges and Solutions to the Life Insurance Need-Gap Among Women,” 04/2022.