Now Accepting AEP Medicare Supplement Applications

The Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) begins October 15 and will continue through December 7.

Mutual will begin accepting Medicare supplement applications with a January 1, 2023 effective date on October 1, 2022. Prescription drug plan applications cannot be taken before or submitted until October 15, 2022.

AEP provides you an opportunity to help those individuals who plan to disenroll from their current Medicare Advantage plan and want to return to Original Medicare and purchase a Medicare supplement policy with an effective date of January 1, 2023.

It is important to follow the guidelines below and provide the proper documentation with your client’s application to help prevent any delays in processing. Due to increased applications during the Annual Election Period, we encourage you to submit applications as soon as possible to avoid the December 7th deadline.

Required Documentation:
For individuals voluntarily disenrolling from their MA plans:

Complete the “Previous or Existing Coverage Information” section on the application and submit one (1) of the following with the application:

  • A copy of the applicant’s MA plan’s acknowledgement of disenrollment (Or termination notice if applying for Guaranteed Issue);
  • A copy of the letter the applicant sent to their MA plan requesting disenrollment (dated after October 15th and prior to December 7th); or
  • A signed statement that the applicant has requested to be disenrolled from their MA plan (dated after October 15th and prior to December 7th).

For individuals whose MA plans are terminating:
Complete the “Previous or Existing Coverage Information” section of the application and send the following with the application:

  • Page 1 of their termination letter from their current carrier, or
  • If they do not have their termination letter, a legible copy or image of their Medicare Advantage card will be accepted.

Med Supp e-App Process:
While in the application process:

  •  Click on the “Attach Eligibility Documents” button, and  
  •  Attach PDFs of the necessary documentation to be submitted with the application. Documents cannot be attached via the e-App process after the application is submitted.

The e-App provides a validation message, which will indicate whether the current MA plan your client is enrolled in has been terminated, meaning the carrier has terminated the plan. This creates a guaranteed issue situation and the message returned will indicate your client does not need to provide proof of disenrollment.

Note: Individuals who are not eligible for guaranteed issue must complete the health and medication questions on the application.

Providing Documentation After an Application is Submitted:
If the required documentation is not available at the time the application is submitted, or in the case of an e-App an electronic copy cannot be created and attached, it may be faxed following the steps below:

Step 1. Obtain the policy number (The policy number will appear on the Case Monitoring Report on Sales Professional Access (SPA) or on the Med supp e-App dashboard for applications submitted via the e-App)

Step 2. Write the policy number on the documentation

Step 3. Fax the documentation to 402-997-1920

If you have questions, please call Sales Support at 800-693-6083.