Hats Off to These Caps!

Cap Rates You’ll Love: SPDA Cap increases are effective immediately.

FIT Horizon Income S&P 500 point-to-point cap increasing by 1.00% to 8.00%
With Rate Booster, cap is now 10.4%

FIT Horizon Growth S&P 500 point-to-point cap increasing by 1.05% to 7.30%
With Rate Booster, cap is now 9.6%

NOW is the perfect time to talk with your clients with lump sum premiums looking for strategies for growth and protection.

Help your clients be Financially Independent for Tomorrow by offering them MORE.

  • Grow and protect with competitive rates across the FIT SPDA portfolio
  • Empower customers with five interest crediting strategies to fuel their annuity!
  • Rate Booster strategies give potential for even better accumulation
  • 5% Immediate Interest Credit available to jumpstart the policy – on select policies
  • Guaranteed Lifetime Income Rider (GLIR) provides a lifetime of income without having to annuitize the policy
    • Guaranteed Roll up rate offers predictable income, or
    • Indexed based income with greater potential
  • Money grows tax-deferred until withdrawn