Protective Life – Rate Increases Effective 06/28/22

Below are a couple of highlights of Protective Asset Builder II 10 Year term rates, as well as the full list of all increases, effective for sign date of June 28 or later!

Protective Asset Builder II 10 Year (limited distribution):

  • 7.75% Rate Cap for Term ($100k or more)
  • 8.00% Annual Point to Point Cap ($100k or more)

Protective Asset Builder II 10 Year (limited Distribution):

  • $10,000 – $49,999 – Fixed up 35 bps, Annual Point to Point Cap up 70 bps, Rate Cap for Term up 70 bps, Trigger up 60 bps, S&P Participation Rate up 3.00%, Citi Index Par Rate up 16%, JP Morgan Mojave Par Rate up 13%
  • $50,000 – $99,999 – Fixed up 35 bps, Annual Point to Point Cap up 70 bps, Rate Cap for Term up 70 bps, Trigger up 60 bps, S&P Participation Rate up 3.00%, Citi Index Par Rate up 12%, JP Morgan Mojave Par Rate up 12%
  • $100,000 or more – Fixed up 20 bps, Annual Point to Point Cap up 100 bps, Rate Cap for Term up 65 bps, Trigger up 60 bps, S&P Participation Rate up 3.00%, Citi Index Par Rate up 15%, JP Morgan Mojave Par Rate up 10%

Protective Secure Saver 5 & 7 Year – all cells up 10 bps