BIG News: Rate Increases and Process Improvements

We’ve made enhancements to our product and process improvements – and there’s still more to come! See what’s new:

  • Effective June 7, Allianz Life Pro+® Advantage Fixed Index Universal Life Insurance has rate increases. View the rates here.
  • We’ve made several recent enhancements to improve the underwriting process for both you and your clients: 
  • Extending the expiration date of our Personal History Interview (PHI) from 6 months to 12 months (for most cases).  
  • Expanding issue ages for Accelerated Underwriting to include 18-24 year-olds.
  • Expanding the Accelerated Underwriting risk classes to include clients identifying as tobacco users.

View our Accelerated Underwriting Program brochure for more details.

We are committed to continuing our underwriting transformation with an emphasis on frequent communications, increased staffing, and dedicated service teams to make it easier to do business with us. 

And it’s working: Along with regularly meeting our new service level agreements, we’re also hearing good things from our customers:

“My underwriters are great and my case manager has an excellent response time!” 

“Service is great! I haven’t seen any delays and even my large cases are moving quickly!”

As we continue to evaluate our processes and programs, look for more announcements about additional improvements in the future.