Starting the Year with Early Success

Fundamental to our success in 2022 is how we come together to deliver the products and service our customers need – hand in hand with you. These efforts drove strong financial results in Q1 and significant progress in our resiliency planning. 

Our commitment to serving customers as a united force has led to a solid financial jumpstart in 2022. Sales for the first quarter closed at $36 million – 19% above 2022 Q1 plan and 28% above 2021 Q1 results. Retention remains strong at 96.7%, continuing the solid numbers we saw in 2021 and above plan of 96.3% for 2022 Q1. We also saw earnings of $22.1 million, which is 8% above plan. These strong results show how we succeed when we come together to deliver on our promises to our customers.

Commitment to Relationship Strategy Drives Our Success

Across ILFS, we’re focused on bringing our relationship strategy to life every day. This is especially easy to see when it comes to Mark Scalercio and our Sales Leadership team. We’ve held several events this year, and your feedback has been phenomenal. Our Sales team is showing up as one united force to elevate our game and expand our reach. When we take this approach, we all win!

Brute Force Efforts Drive Operational Resiliency

In January, we made a commitment to improve our service levels for all traditional and care products by March 31. As we set this lofty goal, we knew it wasn’t just about hitting our sales goals. It was about earning the trust you and our customers have in OneAmerica®. Thanks to a tremendous – truly brute force – effort, led by New Business and Underwriting, we achieved this goal.

These efforts all tie directly to our commitment to get it right – versus make it right – for you and our customers in 2022 and beyond.

Thank you for driving early success in 2022. Let’s keep going strong!