Find More Sales Opportunities with New Term Rates

Term insurance: A simple option to help meet a range of protection needs

Now, new premium rates make coverage even more attractive. Effective, Nov. 1, 2021, new rates are available for Principal® 10-, 15-, 20-, and 30-Year Term.

Key things to know about the reprice

  • Level term rates are lower at many ages and risk classes. (Principal® GI Term and Principal® One-Year Term rates are unchanged.)
  • New rates are approved in all states and available to quote now.
  • The transition guidelines provide details regarding the repriced rates.

Proven ideas to create more sales opportunities

  • Offer key person insurance to help protect against the loss of top talent. Then, use our key person calculator to provide your clients with a personalized quote.
  • Fill the coverage gap for executives. Group life insurance plans commonly offer 1-2 times employees’ salary—well below the amount needed by high-earning executives. Help them provide better protection for their family by supplementing their group coverage with individual term insurance.
  • Lock in insurability. Offer your business owner and key employee clients personal coverage today that allows them to convert later to any available permanent product at their same underwriting class without evidence of insurability.1 View the conversion options available.

Looking for more opportunities? Check out the business solutions concepts guide. Our life insurance portfolio offers a wide range of sales opportunities in the business market—from funding any of our 30+ business concepts to providing personal insurance for business owners, key employees, and their families.