National Estate Planning Awareness Week
Whether it’s drawing up a simple will or ensuring the transfer of a complex legacy, an estate plan can be essential to financial wellness. That’s the focus of National Estate Planning Awareness Week (October 18-24), a particularly apt theme since economic forces like the pandemic, inflation and market volatility have raised consumer awareness around the need to plan for the unexpected. Now is the time to talk to individuals about their estate plan and — to help you get started — here’s a roundup of materials to share with clients, CPAs and attorneys:
- The popular belief is that estate planning is meant only for the wealthy and the elderly, but here are the reasons why everyone can (and should!) consider making an estate plan.
- For wealthy clients, there is a lot of noise surrounding impending legislation and the impact it may have on their estate plan. To gain some clarity on this important topic, don’t miss our AM blog: “What you need to know about the potential tax increase for the wealthy.”
- One of the tools used by many estate planners is the grantor trust. Our latest AM blog — “Grantor trusts are on the chopping block: what to know and how to prepare” — discusses this timely topic.