An Important Change to Our Product Offerings Effective 11/01/21

As we continue to transform our business, we are always assessing the solutions we offer in the marketplace for you to protect your clients and their families. While this often means expansion of our offering, it sometimes means reducing or eliminating other solutions.


As of November 1, 2021, LGA will discontinue sales of our A-List Term product offering. Marketing materials, applications, and other resources will no longer be accessible after that date.


What do I need to know? 

  • No new groups will be allowed as of November 1, 2021 
  • For existing groups, LGA will continue to allow coverage increases and the coverage for new employees through October 1, 2022. Thereafter, neither increases nor new coverage will be considered.

Visit us on our website for other options or contact your Internal Wholesaler with any additional questions.