Large Case Review Process Will Return Effective 08/16/21
Effective August 16, we will begin to review larger premium policies on an exception basis.
We recently announced increases to the premium restrictions for certain products and will now review cases that exceed those new limits, except for NY cases which will continue to be subject to the current premium restrictions.
Producers or firms seeking a review of specific cases should work with their wholesaling team for consideration. All cases will be routed through senior distribution leadership for processing.
The large case review process allows us to closely monitor profitability and key financial risks related to cases involving substantial premium payments. Given the continued low interest rate environment, this is particularly important to ensure we are offering solutions that align to the strategic direction of Prudential. The large case market is an important segment of our business, including the value it brings to our clients, firms, and producer relationships, and we are committed to doing everything we can to deliver relevant and profitable solutions in this space.