Multiple Enhancements to Our eDelivery Process!

Last year, Prudential rolled out the PruSign process for eligible term policies delivered via eDelivery. We are excited to announce that PruSign will also be available for eligible permanent products delivered via DocuSign. Please refer to the highlighter for additional details regarding benefits, eligibility, and the process flow.

Additionally – eDelivery will now be available for Non-Contractual Term Conversions delivered via DocuSign! The following restrictions will apply.

eDelivery Restrictions

  • State exemptions: Guam, NY Replacements and NY policies with a child rider when the age of the child is over 14 years and 6 months as of the application part one date
  • Policies requiring a confidential modification letter/form
  • Policies requiring a “Policy Change Supplement” form to be signed at delivery (Contractual and  nonContractual Term Conversions)
  • Policies requiring a “Premium Deposit Account” form to be signed at delivery on a PruLife Index Advantage UL® or PruLife Founders Plus UL® product
  • Policies owned by an entity or multiple owners
  • Someone other than the policyowner is paying premiums (third-party payor)
  • Juveniles, Survivorships, and Placed Changes

Non-Contractual Term Conversions that aren’t eligible for eDelivery may still be downloaded as a PDF package from The following restrictions apply for eIssue.

eIssue Restrictions

  • State exemption: Guam
  • Policies requiring a confidential modification letter/form
  • Placed Changes