John Hancock Vitality
A new video to help start sales conversations
Did you know that John Hancock Vitality can help your clients reach their financial goals and live a longer, healthier life? Check out this short video highlighting the benefits of John Hancock Vitality and how a policy with Vitality can help customers protect their financial future as well as their health and well-being.
You can also find the video in our Vitality Business Building Kit, which contains sales and marketing materials designed to help you share Vitality’s value and with your clients.
New marketing resources for firms now available
To help our firm and agency partners communicate with producers about John Hancock Vitality, we’re excited to announce a new Vitality Firm Resource Kit. It contains materials that provide Vitality awareness and education, as well as more detailed information for those producers who are ready to sell, including:
- Reference guide
- Digital assets
- Video
- Infographic
- And much more!
Please reach out to your John Hancock representative for access to these downloadable Vitality resources.