SimpleSubmit® Availability Expansion
North American is excited to announce that we are expanding SimpleSubmit® availability. Effective March 27, 2021, you will be able to submit an eApplication on cases with a death benefit of $10 million and higher, add up to 10 children under the Children’s Term Life Insurance Rider, and add up to six total agents per case. The pre-qualification screen will be updated accordingly. These changes will impact eApplications that are locked for the first time or relocked on or after March 27, 2021. Please note the following additional details regarding these updates.
$10 million and higher
- Universal Life and Indexed Universal Life eApplications will continue to be assigned a policy number at the time the eApplication is submitted; however, a new policy number will be assigned and communicated to you when the application is coded in the New Business/Policy Change system.
- Refer to Life underwriting requirements guidelines for a complete list of requirements for face amounts of $10 million and higher. Please note that not all requirements for these cases will be satisfied within SimpleSubmit.
Children’s Term Life Insurance Rider
- You will now have the ability to enter up to 10 children under the Children’s Term Life Insurance Rider.
- When answering the medical questions, continue to list the applicable child’s name when providing details.
Additional agents
- You will now have the ability to enter up to five additional agents for each case.
- When entering agent information, continue to provide each agent’s full name, complete agent code, and percentage they should receive.
For further information on these changes, contact your Managing General Agency (MGA) or your New Business/Policy Change team.