New Step-By-Step Guides Now Available for Florida Business

In an effort to make doing business easier, we’re introducing new step-by-step guides for business written in Florida. These new guides have been designed to provide additional clarity when completing Athene’s Annuity Suitability Questionnaire and Disclosure and Comparison of Annuity Contracts forms.

The new step-by-step guides are available now on Athene Connect. For your convenience, we’ve also included both forms and their respective guides below:

  • Annuity Suitability Questionnaire (Form 55444, Ver. 05/18)
    • Step-by-Step Guide (Form 22843, Ver. 03/21)
  • Disclosure and Comparison of Annuity Contracts (55445, Ver. 06/18)
    • Step-by-Step Guide (Form 22842, ver. 03/21)

Thank you for your business. At Athene, we believe the power of unconventional thinking can help take you to the next level.