Our Rates are Increasing Effective 02/16/21

Effective February 16, 2021 our rates will change on Choice Income II and Choice Accumulation II Fixed Index Annuities.

Choice Income II fixed index annuity
Income Multiplier Benefit
S&P 500 One-year point-to-point with cap

Choice Accumulation II fixed index annuity
S&P 500 One-year point-to-point with cap

Rates shown are based on ten-year surrender charge period, $100,000 or greater.



¹ Effective February 16, 2021. Rates shown are based on Income Multiplier Benefit, S&P One-Year Point-to-Point with Cap, ten-year surrender charge period. Index crediting cap is subject to change at any time for new issues. Once issued, the cap is guaranteed for the first strategy term and is subject to change for future terms. Other interest strategies are available with distinct rates, caps and spreads.
² Effective February 16, 2021. Rates shown are based on S&P One-Year Point-to-Point with Cap, ten-year surrender charge period, $100k or greater. Index crediting cap is subject to change at any time for new issues. Once issued, the cap is guaranteed for the first strategy term and is subject to change for future terms. Other interest strategies are available with distinct rates, caps and spreads.